.co.zw or .com – which one should you choose for your business?

The domain business has gone crazy. As of 8 July 2015, there are now more than 1,000+ suffixes that can appear after the final dot in your web address, from .ac to .zone.

This guide will focus on just two of them. Those all-time classics: .co.zw  and .com.

For most Zimbabwean businesses and webmasters outside of the non-profit sector, one of these two suffixes – or top-level domains (TLDs) – is likely the most logical choice for bookending a web address. But which one should you choose? Well, the answer mainly depends on what type of business you run and where your customers are based.

In this article, we’ll dive into the key differences between .com and .co.zw, why you should choose one over the other, and where you can buy a domain with these suffixes.

What’s the difference between  .co.zw  and .com?

The difference mainly comes down to geography, in the sense that a .com suffix flags up a website operating as a global player. Most companies and individuals use .com as their TLD.

.co.zw top-level domain, meanwhile, signposts your business is based in Zimbabwe, or at least lets the internet know that it trades there exclusively.

Should I use a .co.zw or .com for my website?

There’s a lot to think about when choosing between a .co.zw or a .com Picking the wrong top-level domain could seriously harm your company or website’s chances of success, especially if you’re a small business or a start-up.

If you’re based in Zimbabwe and only targeting customers and traffic from Zimbabwe, a web address ending in .co.zw can help you build trust with your target audience.

The internet’s heaviest hitters are well aware of this. Why do you think US-based Google and others have snapped up ccTLD domains, in addition to their .com sites?

As well as the strong customer preference for the .zw domain, choosing one over a .com can save you money. This is because a .com web address is nearly always more expensive than its .co.zw equivalent.

Sure, the cost-saving and trust-building benefits of .zw domain names are well documented, but there are circumstances where .com is absolutely the way to go. If your business is targeting an international customer base, keep in mind that people in other countries might be put off by a .co.zw domain, automatically assuming your firm only does business in Zimbabwe.

As we’ve already touched on, having to shell out for a .com instead of a Zimbabwean-based address can put a strain on the old business bank account, but for companies with the potential to reach customers around the globe, this could be seen as a no-brainer investment.

Should I buy a .co.zw AND a .com?

For some businesses this makes a lot of sense. Maybe your plan is to start out trading in Zimbabwe, but you’ve got one eye on international expansion in the future. You could use your Zimbabwean -based domain while you’re establishing yourself, and have the .com lined up for the possibility of overseas trading, assuming the cost of snapping up both is no obstacle.

Moreover, some people choose to claim both domain variations for brand protection purposes. You wouldn’t want to put in the hard work establishing an online presence, only for some pesky copycat to come along and piggyback on your success in another territory.

What is the difference in cost likely to be?

We’ve already discussed how .coms are usually more expensive than ZW domain names, but how much are you actually looking at? Well, a .co.zw can cost anywhere between $8 per $10 per year, and a .com will set you back between $15 and $17, to give ballpark numbers.

While these costs are what you’d call typical, at GetHost, there are hefty savings to be made. We offer .co.zw domain names at $6.36 per year and .coms at $14.99 per year. On average, customers save up to $8.63 annually by choosing a .co.zw.

Register your domain with GetHost today

People often ask us why our domain prices are so low and wonder whether there’s some catch or hidden costs involved. Neither of those assumptions is true.

We’re not trying to make a big profit on domain prices, and we pride ourselves on offering the best deals around. It’s often the case that customers who take us up on these deals are 100% satisfied with the service we provide, and that makes them more likely to consider hosting their websites with us, too.

To find out more about registering a domain name with GetHost, call us on 071 747 6117 or head over to our domains page. There you’ll find transparent pricing information, a cost comparison table and a handy domain name search tool that you can use for free.

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